Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Tongkat Ali: The Science Behind An Old Wives’ Tale

Tongkat Ali: The Science Behind An Old Wives’ Tale
Traditional medical practitioners call it ‘the cure for 1000 diseases’. Tongkat Ali, most renown for its libido enhancing abilities, is also widely used in traditional medicine to treat a host of maladies. From countering high blood pressure to easing fever and migraine, from enhancing endurance to improving muscle tone and bone density, Tongkat Ali has been consumed from as far back as the 19th century for general and specific health purposes.
The question arises whether Tongkat Ali’s reputation is merely an old wives’ tale, fueled by its sexual potency ability, or can it be subjected to scientific trials and still emerge a substantiated remedy?
Research into this herb began in the eighties, and early studies showed that it increased libido and sexual arousal in laboratory animals. These initial results spurred further research, including a collaboration between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA and various research institutions in Malaysia. The result was a patented Tongkat Ali extract, produced from freeze drying the water extract of the root, which was found to increase the levels of testosterone and improve reproductive health. Male test animals were found to produce sperms of better quality and higher quantity. Zooming into the cellular level, the extract appeared to affect smooth muscle tissue relaxation, hence widening blood vessel walls and increasing blood flow.
The testosterone hormone plays a vital role in the development of male organs and characteristics. Insufficient levels of the hormone may result in reduced muscle mass and bone density, growing waistline, infertility, erectile dysfunction and even depression, lethargy and mental fog. Testosterone deficiency is sometimes referred to as hypogonadism. Dr Ismail Tambi, a leading andrologist in Malaysia, explored using the patented Tongkat Ali extract to treat several hypogonadic patients. He found that the testosterone levels in these patients improved remarkably, leading to enhancement in other areas of health: general wellbeing, mood, sexuality, strength and vitality.*
The encouraging results motivated Dr Ismail to further prescribe Tongkat Ali for men whose causes of infertility were unable to be determined. The result was sperm production of higher concentration and better morphology, ie. size and shape, allowing aspiring parents to continue exploring natural conception or less invasive and less expensive infertility treatments. An encouraging number of these patients eventually became fathers.**
The research on Tongkat Ali continued and generated great interest among scientists. In a large clinical trial conducted by the Hospital University of Science Malaysia, a group of male test subjects was prescribed Tongkat Ali water extract and a second group was given a placebo. The group that consumed the Tongkat Ali began experiencing better quality of life compared to the placebo group. They reported enjoying enhanced vitality and libido, and were tested to show marked improvements in the quality and quantity of sperm production. These health improvements, however, would be redundant if the male is affected by erectile dysfunction. Fortunately, researchers in the US discovered that by supplementing diets of male test subjects with freeze dried Tongkat Ali water extract, their mild erectile dysfunction symptoms were alleviated and a wide range of other health indications were boosted.

Besides its aphrodisiacal effects, Tongkat Ali has been examined for its ability to increase muscle strength and size, specifically during intensive strength training. In a US study, competitive cyclists were found to recover quicker from fatigue. According to Dr Shawn Talbott, a nutritionist with Supplement Watch USA and one of America’s leading lifestyle expert, the Tongkat Ali extract work by lowering cortisol and increasing testosterone levels, an optimal condition that encourages the recovery process. Other side effects include greater muscle strength and leaner mass compared to test subjects on placebo.
Testosterone levels in men deplete at a rate of 1% every year, after the age of 30. As a result, men endure decreasing muscle tone and bone density, and increasing risk of osteoporosis as they age. In another study of male lab rats with their testicles removed, a combination of therapy that includes Tongkat Ali successfully reduced bone turnover and improved its strength.
So, Tongkat Ali’s reputation is not just an old wives’ tale after all. These scientific findings prove that this traditional prescription is a bona fide treatment and health supplement. Because Tongkat Ali is supported by longtime tradition of usage and, now, scientific validation, it continues to grow in popularity even among the young, urban consumers. Fortunately, the traditional, lengthy brewing process is not the only preparation method nowadays to produce quality extract. Modern day technology has been able to extract and compact all the nourishment from the Tongkat Ali root into capsules for everyday, convenient consumption. A Tongkat Ali capsule of quality may perhaps be called ‘the pill for 1000 cures’.''

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